For healthcare professionals
Your work makes lifesaving donation possible
Create something positive from loss
As a healthcare professional, you work to save lives every day and impact the communities around you. However, there are times, when despite every effort, a patient's life cannot be saved. When this happens you have the ability to set in motion a process that allows families the opportunity to save and improve lives through organ, tissue, and eye donation.
LiveOnNY is dedicated to supporting families through the process of donation, and our care doesn't end after the family leaves the hospital. The LiveOnNY Family Services and Aftercare Services teams provides the donor families support in the hospital and beyond. The Aftercare team provides support and resources along with letter writing support for donor families to connect with recipients.
Key to donation success
Referral and reporting
In order to make any organ donation possible a timely referral call is necessary. Federal and local regulations mandate that every hospital death and every imminent death be reported to the local organ procurement organization as required by the Center for Medicaid/Medicare Services.
These are the clinical indicators to follow when making a referral call for a death or imminent death to our 24 hour call center. For access to the clinical indicators and FAQs, visit
We are here to help 24-7. If you have an urgent issue that needs to be immediately addressed, please call 1-800-GIFT-4-NY (443-8469) and request to speak with the Administrator on Call.
Communicating with a family
A family is processing a significant amount of information at the time a loved one is declared dead. LiveOnNY staff are trained to have conversations about donation with family members. A family may have questions about end of life decisions.
Bridging statements are a resource to introduce the conversation surrounding donation to a family until a trained LiveOnNY staff member can engage with the family.